Q1: E59是否可以與合成機油混用? 例如我用的Total MC3 5w30. (Can E59 mix with synthetic oils? For me, the Total Quartz INEO MC3 5w30?)
A1: 是的,你可以與任何機油混用. (You can mix with every engine oil)
Q2: E59是否會在每八千保養週期下造成油泥? (Will E59 tend to cause soot or sludge within a 8,000 km oil change interval?)
A2: 一點都不會. (Not at all)
Q3: E59是否會造成機油濾心或觸媒堵塞? (Will E59 tend to clog the oil filter or catalyst converter?)
A3: 一點都不會. (Not at all)
Q4: E59是否會讓機油壽命縮短? (Will E59 lower the service life of my motor oil?)
A4: 不會. (NO)
Q5: 當E59的潤滑效果遞減時,原本的氮化硼粒子會變成甚麼? 油泥嗎? (When the lubricating by E59 fades out, what does its ceramic compound turn to? Soot or sludge?)
A5: 你可以將E59看成是懸浮在機油內的微粒,他們像是滾輪一樣在引擎內部的活動零件之間滾動,因此可以降低阻力,磨耗,溫度,還有油耗.而且沒有副作用!!! (E59 can be described as micro balls floating in the oil acting kind like rollers between the moving parts – causing lower friction, lower tear and wear, lower temperature, lower fuel consumption – no negative effect !!!)
Q6: 我需要每八千保養重新使用一次E59嗎? 或是它可以撐多久? (Do I need to replenish the E59 in every 8,000 km OCI? Or how many mileage can one bottle serve?)
A6: 如果你想要讓引擎維持最佳狀態,建議每次都加. (If you want to do your engine something very good – YES)
Q7. 當使用E59後我需要改變我的用車習慣嗎? 例如不要經常怠速或怠速太久? (Any driving style change may need or pay attention to when using E59? Such as, do not idling too often or too long?)
A7: 不需要,維持原習慣即可.大腳油門吧! (Drive the way you used to do – pedal to the metal and enjoy J)
Q8: 最後一個問題,E59使用說明是一瓶可以混用5公升機油. 我每次換油的公升數是3.8,所以我應該用約200ml對嗎? 我該如何保存未用完的E59? (One more question that I have noticed the instruction of E59 that one bottle treat up to 5 liters motor oil. I got 3.8 liters oil exchange each time drained, so should I go strictly with the recommended dosage, that is 0.3/5 x 3.6 =~200ml? What's the suggestion to store the unused E59?)
A8: 你應該加一整瓶. (You use full bottle.)
Holger Lange
Technical Support Manager
我想我為你簡介一下我們的產品: (I better tell you about the products:)
E59是基於全合成基礎油的機油添加劑(可以相容任何的機油) (E59 is a oil additive based on fully synthetic oil (no problem to mix with any type of engine oil))
而GranTourismo C+這瓶機油則是已內含E59成分!!! (GranTourismo C+ already contains the E59 allready !!!)
你詢問的5w30 MDPF這瓶機油更適合用在DPF裝置的柴油車,如果你是開汽油車,建議選擇Touring Turbo這瓶加上E59,或是直接選用C+. (MDPF is better for Diesel with DPF, if you drive Petrol, go for Touring Turbo and E59, or directly for C+)
在德國我們將C+使用在650匹馬力渦輪增壓的BMW V8甩尾賽車上 (We use C+ in our BMW V8 , 650 hp compressor charged drift racing car in Germany J)