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©LM Ceratec氮化硼油精德國原廠問答©

發表於 2015-4-10 22:25:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
[閒聊] Liqui Moly氮化硼


Q1: Ceratec是否可以與合成機油混用? 例如我用的Total MC3 5w30. (Can Ceratec mix with synthetic oils? For me, the Total Quartz INEO MC3 5w30.)
A1: 與所用機油無關,皆可使用. (The base oil is not pertinent.)

Q2: Ceratec是否會在每八千保養週期下造成油泥? (Will Ceratec tend to cause soot or sludge within a 8,000 km oil change interval?)
A2: Ceratec不會造成油泥. (Cera Tec will not cause soot or sludge.)

Q3: Ceratec是否會造成機油濾心或觸媒堵塞? (Will Ceratec tend to clog the oil filter or catalyst converter?)
A3: Ceratec不會造成堵塞,它的粒子小於0.5微米. (Cera Tec will not clog the filter (particular size < 0,5 μm).)

Q4: Ceratec是否會讓機油壽命縮短? (Will Ceratec lower the service life of my motor oil?)
A4: Ceratec不會對機油保養週期造成任何影響. (Cera Tec will not have any effects on your maintenance interval.)

Q5: 當Ceratec的潤滑效果遞減時,原本的氮化硼粒子會變成甚麼? 油泥嗎? (When the lubricating by Ceratec fades out, what does its ceramic compound turn to? Soot or sludge?)
A5: 固體氮化硼粒子會越來越小直到完全溶於機油中,不會變成油泥. (The solid lubricants will get smaller and smaller, till they are completly solved in the engine oil (no sludge formation).)

Q6: 我需要每八千保養重新使用一次Ceratec嗎? 或是像廣告說的可以撐到五萬? (Do I need to replenish the Ceratec in every 8,000 km OCI? Or one bottle can serve up to 50,000km as advertised?)
A6: 你應該在每次保養後重新使用Ceratec,因為當機油換掉時內含的氮化硼也會一起流失. 廣告宣稱的五萬公里指的是Ceratec可以在一次的換油下持續長效五萬公里. (The Cera Tec should be replaced after every oil change, because when the oil has been flushed out the solid lubricants are also no longer present in the engine. The 50000 km are applied on engines which have a maintenance interval of 50000 km.)

Q7: 當使用Ceratec後我需要改變我的用車習慣嗎? 例如不要經常怠速或怠速太久? (Any driving style change may need or pay attention to when using Ceratec? Such as, do not idling too often or too long?)
A7: 你不需要改變任何用車習慣. (You don't have to change your driving style while using our Cera Tec.)

Q8: Ceratec是否會和機油內原本的添加劑(例如分散劑,清潔劑,防腐蝕劑,...)產生任何化學作用,並降低或擾亂它們原本的功效? (Will Ceratec have some chemical reactions with additives(dispersant, detergent, corrosion inhibitor, ...) in my motor oil, and lower or unbalance their original effect?)
A8: Ceratec並不會和你機油內原本的添加劑群產生任何作用,它是完全中性的. (our Cera Tec will not have any effect on the additive package in your engine oil. It is completly neutral.)

Q9: 我每次換油的公升數是3.8,你們建議的Ceratec用量會是多少? (I got 3.8 liters oil exchange each time drained, what's the recommended dosage in such case?)
A9: 建議最佳的用量是230ml搭配3.57公升的機油. (The best mixture would be 230 ml of Cera Tec with 3.57 litres engine oil.)

回覆我的Liqui Moly德國原廠人員
i. A. Andreas Zahner
application engineer

F & E / Anwendungstechnik


參與人數 3聲望 +10 金錢 +100 好評 +11 收起 理由
onlybrian + 3 很給力!
itsfeeling + 3 很給力!
aaron + 10 + 100 + 5 很給力!


發表於 2015-4-10 22:44:14 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 aaron 於 2015-4-10 23:23 編輯

Liqui Moly 德國原廠人員 : abcdefg...詳細回復......  
XX汽車 台灣原廠人員 : 沒聽到....   不然就是 : 正常....  

平平 18歲...那ㄝ "差加追".....  



台灣也有好的技師是沒錯啦.....但這比例...我覺得也太低了! @@  發表於 2015-4-11 00:01
對事情態度的問題 台灣也有好技師只是比較少 德國也有不好的技師但也是比較少 XD  發表於 2015-4-10 23:12
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發表於 2015-4-11 00:25:43 | 只看該作者
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 樓主| 發表於 2015-4-11 23:38:07 | 只看該作者
itsfeeling 發表於 2015-4-11 00:25
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